Технология проектирования тестового обеспечения DFT & TFD

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DFT - традиционная аббревиатура для "Design for Test" (тестопригодное проектирование), но нетрадиционный подход к обеспечению тестопригодности

TFD - вместо традиционного для автоматической генерации тестов ATPG, чтоб подчеркнуть двойственность DFT &TFD в разработке тестового обеспечения (TestWare)

Термин "тестовое обеспечение" (TestWare) соединяет все составляющие качественного тестирования, четко разъясняя заказчику, из чего складывается качество теста для его схемы:

·    верифицирован ли проект ?
·    правильно ли работают шины и двунаправленные магистралиcorrectly ?
·    нет ли избыточности, препятствующей достижению высокого качества теста ?
·    тестопригодна ли схема настолько, чтоб автоматически сгенерировать тест ?

To answer the above questions the source circuit is analyzed and the designer receives:

When designer will realize testable modifications he will receive

Essence of technological stages in brief is as following::


Analysis of source circuit and forecast of  test quality


Further all about the sample circuit named as "FLEXER"...

..but here may be analyse of your own circuit be placed..

DFT Report - about testability of source circuit FLEXER

Let's construct area of
good controlability measures

GIFJPG/contrsrc.jpg (4889 bytes)

Brown internal circle - 60 % from total  100 % of bits

Let's construct area of
good observability measures

GIFJPG/obssrc.jpg (4034 bytes)

Blue  internal circle  – 50% from total  100% of bits

Let's construct
good Testability Zone - common red area where previous measures both good

GIFJPG/tstbl1.jpg (5199 bytes)

The optimistic forecast of test quality only 29%

The red area makes
29 % from total 100 % of bits

Estimate and select the best ACPs - Additional Control Points

Let's add ACPs therof  Brown area of good
controlability measures is expanded ..

GIFJPG/te11.jpg (4582 bytes)

Brown area has been expanded up to 95%

As a consequence
dark blue area of good observability measures is expanded too ..

GIFJPG/obscont.jpg (4935 bytes)

Blue area has been expanded up to 80%

Let's construct advanced
testability Zone - common red area where previous two measures both good ..

GIFJPG/testab1.jpg (5658 bytes)

Red area has been expanded up to 76%


Predicted quality of the test is
  76 % only - leaves to wish best


Estimate and select the best AOPs -  Additional Observation Points

Let's add AOPs, repeatedly having expanded dark blue area of good observability measures  ..

The blue area repeatedly has  been expanded up to 97 %

Let's construct double advanced testability zone - common red area where the advanced controlability and the advanced observability measures both good

Red area has extended up to  92%


The quality of the test, seems, already quite good ? Let's go next step..


Generation of the verification test for a rating of influence of arising search problems on quality of the future hardware test of sample circuit FLEXER.

Let's generated verification test has reached 90%

Optimistic forecast of the test quality was 92%

There is a problem not only in testability of the project.  The circuit needs in additional debugging too.


Thereof general forecast of the HW test quality is possible to expect at a level 83 %


The given percentages illustrate the fact that generation of the test is a complex problem. The matter is that at apparent propriety of impact percentages the total percentage of test quality frequently turns out unsufficient. And we here show, of what parts it develops. From this analysis also it is possible to conclude that achievement of quality close to 100 % need the exact decision of discussed intermediate tasks. According to offered technology in the Tw-CAD's report  thoroughly both the problems are particularly stated and the decisions for each circuit individually are offered.

The recommendations for testability improvement  and forecast of the test quality

The Tw-CAD simulates sequential points insertion and informs designer about the place and a kind of the offered recommendations for improvement of controlability and observability  not just above diagrams. Offering the recommendations we do not fix a manner to realize suggested circuit modifications. Diagram predicts how does fault coverage is growing as ACPs and AOPs are been placed. Customer has a choice to plan circuit DFT modifications.

GIFJPG/growth.jpg (29806 bytes)

More details about all calculated measures are shown in the following table.
|         | measures     | PROGNOSIS of        |
| source  | 368833 11885 |  87.8% 90.2%  78.6% |<==source
circuit's measures
|c 1  146 | 315382 11885 |  89.6% 92.1%  81.7% |c<==
Control points
|c 2  111 | 267121 11237 |  91.8% 92.9%  84.8% |
|c 3  107 | 216449  8731 |  93.8% 94.5%  88.1% |
|c 4  108 | 190229  8731 |  95.4% 94.5%  89.7% |
|c 5  110 | 167569  6502 |  96.2% 94.5%  90.5% |
|c 6  109 | 145554  6502 |  97.0% 94.5%  91.4% |
|c 7  225 | 124590  6502 |  98.2% 95.1%  93.2% |
|c 8  224 |  98368  6502 |  98.6% 97.3%  95.9% |
|c 9  106 |  81091  4247 |  98.8% 97.3%  96.1% |
|c 10 105 |  65603  2669 |  99.2% 97.3%  96.5% |
|________ |______________|_____________________|
|o 11 186 |  30254   618 |  99.2% 98.0%  97.1% |o<==
Observation point,finally
One can point out that it is more important control point insertion (10) rather observation point insertion (1).

Besides this summary diagrams and above measures table we inform designer about following

The reached test quality does not exceed this one predicted usually.

More detailed diagram is following for another circuit which has very poor starting prognosis of 65% test quality. To reach good prognosis there are needed more number of addtional control and observation points than above real life sample.

If designer wants he can observ more detailed dagram where three curves presented as measures of

BNM32.gif (8931 bytes)

At this diagram prognosis of test quality is been improved as additional points insertion:

Please focus your attention on all-round rectangular components of test quality are discussed with suppoused measures and diagram.


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