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CUSTOMER contacts TestWard Lab

sending1 ======> Primary Circuit ======Testability analysis  
receiving 1 <======= Testable recommendations <==== DFT

Sending 2======>Testable secondary circuit ====> Test Generation
Receiving 2 <====== Test<================= TFD

According DFT & TFD technology You
==> send us circuit Netlist (this is the only primary data)
<== receive autoatic verification test
<== receive report on bus consistancy
<== receive recommendations on circuit modifications

  • to plan fault coverage
  • to insert the better control where we said
  • to insert the better observation where we said
  • extra needed pins are payment for DFT

ð         send us the changed secondary circuit Netlist
<== receive high quality tests (TFD) to check your circuit

Safety. We garantee: no third party would have access to your data. The only we needed is Netlist (e.g. extracted from report file of MAX Plus II for Altera devices). We do not need all project: schematic, source, timing information, library, equations and so on, they are yours only.

Foreign manager, natural English e-mail to:

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